All photos from a single photo session of a single subject/group up to 20 prints
at 4x6 inches is a single price of US$20 which includes postage within USA.

Multiple print prices below are of same photo and size ONLY

Size               ONE Print         TWO Prints       ea. Addl.

2 wallets same Pose     $10.00      $6.00

4x6         $9.00            $15.00      $4.50

5x7        $15.00           $24.00      $7.50

8x10      $24.00           $40.00     $12.00

8x12      $30.00          $45.00      $15.00

10x14    $40.00           $65.00     $20.00

11x14    $45.00           $75.00     $23.00

13x19    $80.00          $120.00    $30.00

16x20    $120.00         $180.00

any of the above in canvas add 50%

20x24  $250.00  fine art canvas print        

30x40  $450.00  fine art canvas print

Prices above are for prints from a single pose.
*Uncropped Proofs 4x6 (like originals)...singly $3.00 each *Uncropped Proofs 20 or more from the same session on the same background $2.00 each                             *Contact Sheets per sitting $5.00 each.

Reprint Prices